2. Installation

2.1. For users

You may download the code from the Python Package Index PyPi.

pip install qocttools

2.2. For developers

Clone it first from the gitlab repository:

git clone git@gitlab.com:acbarrigon/qocttools.git qocttools

Then, you need to use pipenv; install it if you do not have it:

python -m pip install --user pipenv

Use –user if you want to install it in your userspace python environment (which you probably do). Then:

pipenv install

This should do the job. Note that this installs the code in a virtual environment of its own; you can work with it by doing:

pipenv shell

(see the pipenv documentation for more information about what this means).

You may then check that everything is fine by doing (once that you have activated the virtual environment):

pytest -v tests/short.py